Annual day of the doctoral school of mathematics and computer science
3-3 Apr 2025 Talence (France)

The EDMi day

The EDMI day will take place on April 3rd, from 9 am to 6 pm, in the amphitheatre of the LaBRI (A30).


For 2nd year PhD students:

PhD students from the LaBRI must use this Latex poster template or this pptx poster template. For the other PhD students, there is no preferred template.

You must submit your poster in an A0 format, in PDF,  before Friday March 14th noon, following these instructions:

  • Go to the opposite tab My submissions and clic on Submit a paper.
  • Fill in the title of the poster.
  • By default, the doctoral school will print your poster. If you already have a printed version, please indicate it in the Comment section. If this is the case, do not forget to bring it with you on March 14th !
  • Clic on the type Poster, the topic Mathematics or Computer science.
  • Fill in your coordinates.
  • Upload your poster in the tab Paper. No Supplementary data is required.


For 3rd year PhD students:

Write your extended abstract by downloading this .zip archive and by editing the file ervedoza.tex. Some help is available in the file instructions.pdf. You must submit it before Friday March 14th noon, by following these steps:

  • Go to the opposite tab My submissions and clic on Submit a paper.
  • Fill in the title of you extended abstract.
  • If your PhD is restricted by confidentiality rules (some CIFRE PhDs for instance), please indicate it in the tab Comments, and send an email to theo.fradin [at] .
  • Select the type Extended abstract, the Topic Mathematics or Computer science.
  • Fill in your coordinates.
  • Upload your extended abstract as a .pdf in the tab Paper.
  • Compress the folder template_resume including in particular your .tex file and your img folder, and upload this archive in the tab Supplementary data.

The extended abstracts will be included in a file available on Oskar.

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